Distance today was 122 km. Almost 1150 m total elevation gain. High temperature 26° C.
Linda was not feeling well, but she decided to go ahead and try riding.
I saw a fair number of school buses today, which I did not see in Rwanda or Uganda.
The ride in the morning was through some busy villages. At lunch we learned that Jannes (from the Netherlands) had been involved in an accident. He was riding on the left side of the road, with a motorcycle adjacent to his right. An oncoming car was passing a vehicle which forced the motorcycle into Jannes. The rider behind witnessed Jannes catching some air before landing. He landed and scraped up his right side, especially his flank and his thigh. He would not be riding in the afternoon, and was transported to a clinic in for x-rays and further evaluation.
Jeff also had his own excitement. He got lost and ended up taking a completely different route which bypassed the lunch stop. He was able to get to the final destination with the help of GPS, and friendly locals.
Tim met and rode for a stretch with this Kenyan bike racer, who tragically lost his left leg above the knee in a car accident 7 years ago.
After lunch, we had a 45 km long, slow 2% grade gradual climb into the city of Eldoret.
Seemingly, more sheep than goats in Kenya. The opposite was true in Uganda.
Busy market in one of the villages during the afternoon ride.
The wind announced itself in the afternoon in a rather squirrelly fashion, shifting randomly from headwind to crosswind to tailwind.
Home construction in Kenya remains simple; often seen is a wood frame with mud for “plaster”.
Another common home construction design.
I’m seeing more thatched roofs in Kenya.
Eldoret is situated at 2100 m elevation, and serves as the training grounds for many Kenyan long-distance runners.
We arrived in Eldoret at Poa Place Resort, and will camp there for two nights, and we are all looking forward to a rest day.
Hope Linda feels better soon!